not as spicy and it doesnt make your breath smell like a dead cat. So let me not digress as much and lets get to the point of this post. Hooking up, first of all you're not a slutbag whore if you hook up with guys, I mean sure if you are macking on a new guy every night that can get a little whorish but if its a casual hey you look kinda hot tonight lets makout type of thing. Its ok don't pant or throw up girl you are fine breath in and out this is how I think of it- every time you experience somethig new that seems a little risky or seems like something unreal that would never hapen to you, think of it as your alias like mine for example is lobuck (nickname), when great movie like things happen to me I like to think of it as if Lobuck was at my side helping this great moment happen. Now if your thinking im a crazy wierdo who talks to her "alias" well your right hah just joshing ya but really moments that shock you are meant to be written in a diary for the next generation to hear about and see how slutty we really all are. Could you imagine getting old and not know any stories to tell your children or not know any stories of your slutty past to tell your cool experienced band macho tattooed skinny jean fabio hunk of a man, that would suck, so write away and remember be a little slutty sometimes it makes memories and trust me your no jenna jameson if you hook up with guys just go to church worried ones.
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